South Lake County Volunteer Firefighters Association

SLCFPD is an independent special district with an elected Board of Directors, which was formed in 1925 as the Middletown Fire Protection District. The Lake County Board of Supervisors appointed the Board of Directors until 1988, when it was changed to an elected board. The District was renamed as the South Lake County Fire Protection District on March 18, 1987.
The South Lake County Volunteer Firefighters Association consists of 35 volunteers. The District was staffed exclusively with volunteers until the first paid member was employed in 1978. The Fire Sirens is a District Auxiliary organization which was established in April of 1985, and supports programs for the District's operations. The Fire Sirens have provided significant support the District by raising funds to purchase equipment for the fire department. They also support personnel during training and emergency incidents by providing food and beverages
With the continuing loss of the Geothermal tax revenue, fiscal constraints caused the reduction in staffing and services within the District. This caused the District to only staff 1 station in Middletown, with 1 response person on duty in the late 1990's.
In order to provide stability, the SLCFPD voted to enter into a contract to provide personnel, and management services form the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection on June 15, 2000. This took effect July 1, 2000. The District currently staffs Cobb, Middletown, and Hidden Valley with 2 response personnel at each location. Ongoing fiscal constraints and obstacles continue to be a challenge to meet the growing need for service with the District. Even with a parcel tax, and mitigation fees, the future still holds certain challenges that are continually evaluated and overcome.